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Social Impact

Social Impact

Globally, We aim to advancing the well-being of 1 billion people in underserved communities through programs and innovation focused on delivering essentials for a better life.

Making Lives Better Through Purpose Driven Brands

Kimberly-Clark delivers Better Care for a Better World, by providing essential products to one quarter of the world’s population every day. Yet millions still lack access to basic products and services that could dramatically improve their quality of life.

Globally we’re working to address this with a goal to improve the lives of 1 billion people in underserved communities by 2030. And locally we’re stepping up our support for some of our region’s most vulnerable people through our social impact programs. Since launching our new 2030 Ambitions in 2020 we are proud to have directly impacted over 8 million people through our donations and partnerships. A full report on this can be found in our 2023 Sustainability Snapshot.


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All over the world, women are disproportionately affected by gender inequality. As a global organisation and especially as a provider of period care products, we are passionate about empowering girls and women to help close this gap. We also know that when girls are empowered, their family and community benefit. 
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Community Health & Wellbeing
How we’re brought into this world and the care we receive in the first few years of life is critical. By working with partners we can alleviate nappy stress and improve pregnancy, birth and early childhood outcomes for some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.
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Social Connection
Strong mental health provides the foundation for a happy and fulfilled life. It also means safer, more confident and connected communities.
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Read Our Latest Report